About Me

How odd that we call our home planet Earth when it is so obviously Ocean? 
-- Arthur C. Clarke

Today, my anger over the extensive damage caused by human overexploitation and pollution fuels my mission to preserve marine ecosystems, particularly in light of the impending effects of accelerated climate change. My strong personal devotion is geared toward protecting our marine and coastal waters by integrating my marine science research experience and my Environmental Science and Policy education. I believe a strong scientific background on Earth’s biota is essential in making adept decisions with regard to marine policy and global change and that innovation in science and technology, policy, and industry is critical in order to conserve our marine ecosystems.
Climate change is one of the most critical environmental and economic challenges facing humanity. I plan to advance my understanding of coastal marine ecology and how species are responding to shifting climate trends. I am interested in studying the effects of climate and global change on various aspects of marine systems, including ecosystem structure and function, species abundance and distribution, and the consequences of these climate-induced changes for ecosystem functioning.


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